Current Projects

Micro Specialties normally has a number of data related projects underway at any given time. Many of these projects revolve around automated collection and distribution of climate, oceanographic or other sensor-based data. Our primary climate data collection products, Global Modem and Coastal Data System (CDS) have been designed specifically for remote data collection in difficult and very remote locations. MSI's data center employs state of the art web and data servers to provide responsive and reliable data archive, distribution and realtime display products.

Links to a few of our active sensor projects:

Other active projects:

  • GOES for SNOTEL- An automated method to incorporate data from Geosynchronous Orbiting Environmental Satellite (GOES) data sites into the USDA National Resource Conservation Service's Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) data collection system. Our client: USDA-NRCS National Water Climate Center.

501 West Adson Road, Wasilla, AK  99654
Ph: (907) 373-7424
Fax:(907) 376-2894